Harvest Moon DS CUTE ! Skye

  • Hallo, ich hatte das schwarze Herzevent mit Skye, wann und wo kann ich ihn immer finden damit ich ihn beschenken kann? kann mir das bitte jemand sagen ! ^^

  • Sunday

    • 10:00 pm - Appears on the path leading to Mineral Town
    • 11:00 pm - At the bridge between the main area and Vesta's farm
    • 12:15 am - Circles around the fountain in front of Lumina's mansion
    • 1:40 am - Walking down the path between Daryl and the twins' house
    • 3:00 am - Walking up the path from the turtle pond area to the main area
    • 3:20 am - At the bridge between the main area and Vesta's farm
    • 4:30 am - At Carter and Flora's tent
    • 5:30 am - Leaves the valley

    All other sunny days

    • 10:00 pm - Appears on the path leading to Mineral Town
    • 11:00 pm - At the bridge between the main area and Vesta's farm
    • 12:20 pm - Goddess Pond
    • Remains at the pond until you wake up at 6:00 am


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